
I know. It’s been too long.


But I’m back writing and I’ve got a sample for y’all on this happy Sunday.

I don’t know when the release day is. Just be on the lookout.

***unedited, subject to change***

“So,” he said after he’d taken a sip of his bourbon and picked up an appetizer. “I have a confession to make.”

“Do tell,” I said, lifting my martini to my lips.

“I started reading one of your books,” he confessed, causing me to choke on my drink.

“Oh shit!” he said, hopping up and coming around to my side of the table as I coughed. “Are you okay, Peyton?”

“I…I’m fine,” I assured him. I caught my breath and cleared my throat a few times and then took a sip of water. My body suddenly felt extremely hot as he rubbed my back. “Truly. I’m fine. Your confession just caught me a bit off guard and caused my drink to go down the wrong pipe. I promise I’m okay.”

Once he could tell I was truly fine, a smirk curve on those sexy lips of his and he went to sit down.

“So,” I said, clearing my throat again and trying not to fan my now extremely flush face. “Uh, which book are you, uh, reading?”

“You are blushing like a motherfucker right now!” he teased.

“Stop it!” I said, throwing my cloth napkin at him as he laughed. “I just…I don’t know a lot of men who read my books. This territory is a bit uncharted for me.”

“Well…they should be reading them.” He told me the title of the book he was reading and then added, “You nasty, girl.”

“Shut up!” I said, hiding my face behind my hands.

“Aight, lemme stop messin’ with you,” Maverick said. “Seriously though. You are an amazing writer.”

“You really think so?” I asked, looking up at him again.

“Absolutely. I barely got any work done in my office today, cause I was so damn caught up in your book. And those sex scenes…” He shook his head. “Woo.”

“Well…thank you,” I said. “They can be difficult to write for me.”

“Why?” Maverick asked.

I shrugged as I picked at an appetizer. “Sometimes it feels like I’m…a fraud.”

“How so?”

I shrugged again. “I write all of these…steamy scenes. Yet, the steam is…nonexistent for me in real life these days.”

Maverick didn’t respond, he just stared at me, a look on his face I couldn’t read.

“And now I’m thoroughly mortified that I just told you that,” I mumbled as I finished off my drink and desperately looked around for the waiter, cause I needed a refill immediately.

“Hey,” Maverick called out to me. I kept my eyes on the table until he reached across the table and grabbed my hand as he said, “Peyton. Look at me.”

My gaze slid up to his eyes.

“You have nothing to be embarrassed about,” he said. “And I don’t believe you’re a fraud. Even though you’re writing fiction, there’s something about your words that are so damn…real. So raw…so sensual. It’s honestly quite fascinating to dive into that beautiful mind of yours through your books.” He paused for a moment before adding, “And I’m sure you’ll find someone that’ll bring that steam back into your life one day real soon.”

“You think so?”

“Without a doubt.”

Once again, his words had my pussy weeping with desire and ready to ask him if he was willing to be the one up for the challenge.

I was ready for ‘one day real soon’ to be right now.

This man had me ready to jump over the damn table and climb into his lap and do some incredibly lewd things to him in public.

Instead, I gently slid my hand away from his as I asked, “Do you always have just the right thing to say?” 

“Definitely not,” he chuckled, taking a sip of his drink. “So where do you get your inspiration to write?”

I used his question as a way to let my overheated body cool the hell down a bit.

“Everywhere to be honest,” I said. “Music, other books, people watching?”

“People watching?” Maverick repeated.

“Yeah. It’s actually one of my favorite brainstorming exercises to do. I’ll just look around and find people to watch and create stories about them in my head. Maybe jot done some notes if it feels like it could actually make for a good story.

“Interesting,” Maverick said, contemplatively. He looked around and after a moments, he tipped his chin to a couple a few tables over. “Those two over there. Tell me their story.”

I looked over the couple and grinned.

“Oh they’ve definitely gone on a few dates,” I said, as we watched them talk. The man slid his hand over and took the woman’s hand in his and the woman grinned at him. “It looks to be going extremely well.”

“How well?” Maverick asked.

My gaze went back to Maverick and I found him staring at me with such an intense gaze that it caused my nipples to instantly harden.

 I hesitated before finally answering. “Well enough that she plans on inviting him back to her place for the night.”

Maverick’s eyebrow quirked up in intrigue, a panty-melting smile forming on his lips. “Is that so? And does he accept her invitation?”

“I hope so,” I said. “Their chemistry has been building up over several chapters. I don’t think they’ll be able resist giving into their attraction for much longer.”

“I’d have to agree with you on that,” Maverick said.

We continued staring at each other for another tense long moment, before he licked his lips and spoke again.



“Would I be wrong in assuming that we’re no longer just talking about that couple over there?” he asked.

“No,” I admitted. “You wouldn’t be wrong.”

Maverick nodded. “That’s good to know. Because from the moment we’ve met, I’ve found myself extremely attracted to you. I haven’t been able to get you out of my mind. Some of the thoughts I’ve had of you…”

When he just let that sentence trail off, I asked him, “What kind of thoughts?”

He looked up at me, his eyes full of lustful desire. “If I told you, they might scare you.”

“I don’t scare easily,” I boldly retorted. 

A devilish grin spread across his lips, as he said, “I’d much rather showed you. It would be much more fun that way.”

“I see,” I said, as the throb between my legs intensified. “Well then maybe we should–” 

The sound of the waiter’s voice damn near made me jump out of my skin.

I’d been so lost in my conversation with Maverick and how it had taken this seductive turn that everything around us seemed to have faded away.

The waiter placed our food on the table as he repeated our orders back to us. I barely heard a word he was saying and my appetite for food had been replaced by a different kind of hunger.

“Does everything look good?”

“Yes,” Maverick said, slowly, still looking at me. “Yes it does.”

I knew he wasn’t talking about the food. The look in his eyes made it clear that the only thing he was wanting to devour at the moment was me.

And I was more than eager to feed him.

“Is there anything else I can get you?” the waiter asked.

We stared at each other for another long, sensual moment. Maverick nodded his head and I knew we’d just come to a silent agreement. I plastered a smile on my face and looked up at the waiter. “Some to-go boxes. Please.”

The waiter looked surprised by my request.

“Oh. Sure,” he stammered as he looked back at the food he’d just placed on the table. “Uh, is everything okay?”

“Everything is fine,” I assured him. “Something just came up.”

I looked back at Maverick and saw the amused smirk on his face as he discreetly shifted in his seat.

My gaze dropped down to the table, which was covering Maverick’s lap, preventing me from getting a glimpse at that particular ‘something’ that had come up. I was eager to get him back to my tent to see it with my own eyes.

 “Can I interest you in a dessert to go?” the waiter asked.

“No,” Maverick said, a gruffness in his tone that made my skin tingle. “Just the check please.”

Wanderlust, coming soon...